Here are the photos from the Alton to Clapham sponsored cycle ride:

We set off from Alton bright and early at 7:30am.

Alton to Godalming was along the roads, so Kerry got to practice her map-reading skills.

Here the road layout had changed. After crossing this main road we got slightly lost, adding a few extra miles and hours to the day.

Finally in Godalming, the start of the (VERY LONG) River Wey tow path.

The path got dangerously close to the river at some points- the number of times we nearly cycled into the water!

Kerry in her shades.

This path really did go on forever, with plenty of signs informing you that you hadn't gone nearly as far as you thought you had.

Yes, I wore a helmet ALL the way there.

The Thames cycle path took us past Hampton Court Palace.

And finally, a very un-spectacular end to the route in Putney. From here we had to get to Clapham, where we arrived at 7:30pm. Burger King has never tasted so good!