Saturday, 3 November 2007

God is good, all the time!

Hi all,

I am informed that my blogs get longer every week. Sorry about that! I was going to give you a break from reading and put some photos up this week, but as it turns out I have way too much to say. So sorry! Feel free to skip to the good bits...

"I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." Philippians 4:11-12

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

Well, this week hasn't been a particularly easy week! On Monday night, at about 3am, we had a fire in our flat. It was due to the air conditioning unit which for some reason had malfunctioned and caught alight inside. It is right by our beds, so we woke up pretty quick and got out. Now most of our neighbours were still unknown to us at this point and we cannot speak Tamil and we are trying to convey to the night watchman what the problem is. I don't think they understood the urgency until they saw the flames! Our phone was still not working at this point so we were incredibly glad that one of the Oasis staff lived just around the corner. We gathered quite a crowd and managed to persuade them that water was NOT the right thing to put on an electrical fire. There was still no sign of the fire service, but our neighbours managed to put out most of the flames with sand. Unfortunately, in the bedroom there was a wardrobe where we kept all of our things and we had to keep reminding ourselves that posessions count for nothing. I now have an accurate answer to those questions of "What three things would you save if your house was burning down?".

The fire service did eventually arrive after the fire had been put out and they checked it over. Obviously not very well as a mattress started burning again in the early hours of the morning! I am so thankful that there was very little damage to our possessions. It would have been such a hassle to replace them all! In the end, the bedroom was totally black, as were areas of the rest of the flat, and our bedding and mosquito nets got burned. I also lost my photos, but they can be printed again so it is nothing major. And, of course, EVERYTHING smells like smoke.

We are also so thankful to be able to stay in the spare flat of one of our neighbours, a really nice couple. They are fairly well known muscicians and we have been hearing a lot of piano playing this week! Mer: I met a 15-year-old guy who is a professional pianist! It is nice to have somewhere clean to sleep at night, and to dry our clothes, etc. There is only one bed, so it feels like camping atm, but it is a million times better than our burnt flat. We even have a TV!The whole of the Oasis staff were in on Tuesday morning cleaning out the burnt flat, washing walls, scrubbing the ceiling. It is a do-it-yourself job here! We have had some painters in this week, too, who are working on the room. Sabrina always said the walls needed painting! We are hoping they will do the whole flat.

It has been a bit overwhelming and unsettling- the flat was just beginning to feel like home! The reality of a burnt flat started sinking in on Tuesday: trying to live between two flats, wearing smelly clothes, cooking in the dark and burnt flat, sleeping on the hard floor. We all felt a bit down. But there is a promise in the Bible that has come up repeatedly during this week: "I will not leave you comfortless!" And God certainly hasn't. We have had cake 4 times this week! Romans 8:28- how God works all things together for good- has been another promise we are holding on to. We have been able to get to know people better and we are now famous as the English girls who burnt down their flat! I think we are moving back in in a couple of days, but it is going to be a long time before everything is back to normal. Some photos of our flat post fire!

On Tuesday evening there was ANOTHER fire in an area of the slum a few hundred meters from our flat. It was all quite surreal- apparently there hasn't been a fire in the area for a long time. Again, we were reminded how priviledged we were to have somewhere safe and dry and clean to go, to have food, to have our possessions still. The people in the slums would lose everything.

We have also had flooding in Chennai this week! On Monday (during the day), there was a lot of flooding in the area (the monsoon season has come!) and so the government declared it a holiday. Everything was closed! We were riding through feet of water in the autos. It reminded me of the water rides at the theme parks! The rains have obviously hindered our work in the slums as running kids clubs when the houses are falling down in not the best idea. There has also been quite a lot of opposition from some members of the community, so please pray that Oasis will be able to resume work in the slum areas soon.

Church on Sunday was not very well attended due to the rain (there is very poor drainage here and everything basically stops when it rains). But it was a good service. A lady from YWAM who is working over here spoke about heaven. It was especially poignant as she lost her husband last year. She spoke a lot about having an eternal perspective which was appropriate for this week! How often do we think about heaven? This world is not our home if we are Christians.

"He is no fool who loses what he has, to gain what cannot be lost."

We also met two English guys who are working with the church for their year out. It was nice to hear an English accent again! There have already been plenty of jokes made by other members of the church about setting us up. They obviously think we are desperate!

On the work front, things have been going well! We do usually turn up a bit sooty looking... I am loving Jacob's Well and the girls there. They are so lovely! It is hard to actually 'get to know' them with the language barrier, but it is amazing how a relationship can develop despite that. The teaching is getting easier as we settle into a routine and they seem to be warming up to our method of teaching. We have been looking at the question, "Who is this?", in English this week and it was touching to know that they would now call us their friends- no longer am I merely 'teacher'!

Balwadi has gone better. We attempted craft again and it worked well- pasta necklaces. The kids are getting more and more used to us and the little ones will sit on my lap without crying their eyes out. They were even sad to see us go on Friday! A vast improvement to bursting into tears every time they saw us. The little girls have also decided I need a Hindu spot, so every time I come they try to draw one on or stick their one to me.

The kids work in the slums has been limited, but we are enjoying what we can do! Lots of crazy games and crafts. They all like to offer you food from their pockets (it is a nice gesture) and it can be quite forceful. Usually I refuse (I want to stay healthy!) but yesterday I did give in and try some crisp thing. I am still alive far so good. They also persist in calling me 'Candles'. Grrr!

It was one of the staff member's Birthday this week and we discovered the way that Indians celebrate for this occasion! There was a lot of cake and messy faces involved. I am a bit concerned about my own birthday, given the talk of tomatoes and rotten eggs! And you thought Kids Klub was bad... foam pie is nothing!

I have also named one of our stray kittens Archibald and am trying to tame him, to the despair of Sabrina and Helen. He sits by our door now.

Oh, and this week is Diwali so I am anticipating lots of fireworks! It will feel just like home with bonfire night.

I feel that is quite long enough! Sorry. I start writing and just can't stop.

Prayer pointers:
- Prasie God that we are all safe after the fire and that He has provided for us.
- Praise God that we are all helathy still and pray that it continues.
- Pray for the work in the flat, that it progresses swiftly and is completed well.
- Pray for the Oasis staff here in general. It is proving to be quite a difficult season in their work.
- Pray for the slum communities, especially during this time of year, and also that the work we do there will be able to begin again soon.
- Pray for the Jacob's Well girls, that they continue to learn well and that we find ways to share what we believe with them.
- Pray for continued patience and fresh ideas for Balwadi!

Thanks to you all. I have had an overwhelming number of emails this week and also a few cards and letters which has been great- just what was needed. Thanks Mummy! I am thinking of and praying for you all, or at least as much as I remember to!

Take care, enjoy the 5th Novermeber!

With love from Kandace