Another day is breaking
And it reeks of the mundane
But in the stillness of the morning-
I’ll wait for Him.
When time is ever lacking
And when trouble still abounds
Although I could be busy doing-
I’ll wait for Him.
Enthusiasm waning,
I have nothing left to bring
But I know my weakness is His strength-
I’ll wait for Him.
‘though the dark clouds may descend
Shrouding His face from my sight
I know He walks through shadowed valleys-
I’ll wait for Him.
When the next step is uncertain
And fear lurks close behind
Firmly I’ll fix my eyes on Him and
I’ll wait for Him.
When my days are bright and clear
And goodness follows me around
Still I’ll fall facedown before my King-
I’ll wait for Him.
His promises are certain
And His presence is assured
I’m waiting patiently for the Lord-
He’ll come to me.
“I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry.” Psalm 40:1