Wednesday, 29 June 2011

What I Must Remember

I have a gift for forgetting things. Even big, life-shaping things that happen to me have a habit of vanishing from my memory within a year or two. This is why I write- to remind myself of things that I must not forget.

When I left home to go to University three years ago, I decided to write myself some reminders to guide my student life. The list, which I titled "What I Must Remember", has been enormously helpful as I have read and re-read it each term, constantly asking myself whether my life is reflecting these values. Now, at the end of studentdom, I realise these these are things I hope to remember for the rest of my life.

This is what I wrote:

What I Must Remember

1. Love God

Spend time with Him. Read His word. If you are not doing this, nothing else matters one bit. If your love for God is not growing then it is shrinking. Can you say with integrity that Jesus is your passion? What does it look like to ‘love’ God? It means delighting in Him above all else. It is contentment and joy, it is life and freedom. It means that my priorities will be ordered according to His and my character will reflect Jesus. It is no fluffy, abstract thing!

2. Love People

Get to know many different people, both those who are like you and those who are not. Don't live in the Christian ghetto! Enjoy the social life. Unless you are experiencing God’s love for you, it is going to be tough to love other people. Religion that He desires is "to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world". Loving others as myself should stretch from my housemates to my coursemates; from the Big Issue seller to my lecturer.

3. Live Differently

As you are trying to live increasingly among people who do not share your beliefs- are you standing out? ‘Make love your aim.’ Do you live in a way that is worthy of your calling? And this is especially true of small, everyday stuff. It is the little things that matter. That is what will be noticed. Don’t get desensitized to things that are dark- keep a soft heart. Act with boldness and wisdom.

4. Live Simply

Don’t over-complicate your life. Where you can get rid of possessions, do so. Do not store up treasure for yourself here. Do not get so bogged down in the detail of living that you stop really living. Don't become so busy that living wears you out and it is a chore just to keep on top of everything.

5. Keep Growing

Are you being discipled? Get to know someone whose life and walk with God is something you aspire to. You don’t know it all yet, remember! You’ve got a lot to learn. Are you involved in church? Serve, don’t just go to receive. And don’t criticize, but set the example. Take risks and accept challenges. Step out of your comfort zone!

6. Be Community

Get to know the Christians who you come into contact with. How can you support others? Are there people you can mentor? Be bold. Challenge and encourage them. Are you identifiable by your love for them? How can you practically be sharing your life with them? Are you being totally open and honest with them? Invest in people- it is worthwhile!

7. Remember Your Family

Pray for them. Call them, write to them, email them. Do not neglect them in the midst of all the newness! They will always be a huge part of your life, your roots and foundations, and they love you.

8. Be Generous

With money and time, regardless of how little you have. Practice living on your student loan the way you hope to live on a wage. Serve the poor. That is God’s heart! Are you making an active effort to do this? What you have is not your own. You are only a steward.

9. Work Hard and Have Fun!

Work hard even when it seems there are more important things to do, when it is difficult, when you are bored. The way that you balance your work and your leisure is also an example to people. Do new things, enjoy yourself. Rest when you need to. ‘Live every moment, leave nothing to chance.’ Live freely and lightly. Make the most of the opportunities you have been given!

10. Trust Him

Don’t worry about your life. Learn to leave everything with God. Practice leaning fully on Him, confident that He will do what He has said He will.

The truth is that I will live this life once and it is short in comparison to the future! It is easy to waste it and it is easy to take yourself too seriously. One day I will be with my Saviour forever, and I long for that, but I will not waste my time here and now. Once again, in reality Jesus has already done it all, and so I am free to live! “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10